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Economics with Financial Literacy B for Credit Recovery

CDLS Credit Recovery (CR) courses are designed for students who have taken a course and failed it. 


CR courses are organized so that students can take a pre-test for each lesson/unit. The exemption of activities is based on which content in the pre-test that the student demonstrates mastery in, not the overall "grade" on the pre-test. 


Economic decisions affect us every day of our lives. Understanding economics means thinking about how scarcity, or limited resources, requires us to make choices and evaluate one option against others. In this course, students will recognize examples of economics in your daily life. Students will see how the economic choices of larger groups, like businesses and governments, affect students and others. As students progress through the course, students will recognize that the costs and benefits of choices connect individuals and groups around the world. The purpose of this course is to help students become a smart consumer who understands the flow of an economy between individuals, businesses, governments, and the rest of the world.

Prerequisites: 11th or 12th grade status and English I & II recommended

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